Category Archives: About

Welcome to a New Kind of Book Publisher

new kind of publisherIntroducing Glowing Sand Media, which aspires to fill a clear gap in the publishing market.

It’s a gap familiar to many professional writers, who often feel left out of the game, even though they are the authors with the talent and experience to succeed.

On one hand there is the traditional publishing world, a fortress that only invites a select few behind the walls. If you don’t have a platform to promote your book, a guaranteed buying audience or a fairy godmother, they are not interested.

Even as they fade from relevance, the traditional publishers stick to their formulas, which typically involve vampires, a hunky detective or a love-torn teenager. Non-fiction writers stand a better chance of crossing the moat, but if you don’t have a proven track record and a clear audience, publishers remain wary behind the walls.

Many authors who break through and get a deal quickly realize that there is an ironic twist to the traditional publishing world. If you are lucky enough to gain acceptance, there are few rewards. The process becomes long and tedious. The author loses control of many elements of their work. And when the book is ultimately released they find little support from the publisher. They are left on their own to promote and market their work, with little money left for them after the publisher is paid.

At the other end of the spectrum is the morass of self-publishing, the vast world of amateur editors and author service companies looking to take a writer’s money. From the vanity publishers to the conveyor belt editorial companies, it’s all about the money. They show little interest in your project. They don’t care if it’s successful; they get their money upfront. To the professional writer, most of the services seem geared toward working with wannabe authors who have no experience writing anything more complicated than a laundry list.

Glowing Sand hopes to fill that gap. We are interested in working with professional writers. We don’t want to take on just any project. We look for talented individuals ready for the business end of publishing, writers want to maintain control of their work while still gaining the advantages of working with an experienced publisher. Our unique business model creates a context for success, a shared commitment.

We have a lot of ideas for Glowing Sand. It’s a new venture and we are looking to work with authors to find new approaches to the publishing game. We welcome suggestions and propositions.

To learn more, please check out the About page. Or if you can learn more about out Submissions policy here.